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(Nextmedia)Saturday reported that Russia resumed the practice during the cold war, the submarine track contains "Trident" nuclear bomb of the British Royal Navy "avant-garde" nuclear-powered submarines, trying to collect data, voice against the UK's nuclear deterrent force. The report says that in the past six years, the Russian land improved "shark" (Akula, also known as akula-class) nuclear-powered attack submarine, an introvert in Scotland to the West of Glasgow, 40 km of Slane (Faslane) naval base foreign waters, are removed from the base of four British "avant-garde" (Vanguard) nuclear-powered submarine, and trailing tracking, trying to collect the "avant-garde" propeller's unique voice data. This is since 1987, the first time a British submarine track from the Russian military submarines. "Avant garde" sea patrol submarine regularly for a period of three months, as in the North Atlantic for cruising waters, easy-to-Russian submarine lock for tracking goals. Equipped with nuclear submarines are the second nuclear strike "main navigation, to ensure that the submarine is subtle deterrent force. The invisibility of submarine depends on when does a tremendous noise, high speed propeller noise is a submarine voyage radiation noise in order to high-frequency-based, unique with submarine, is detecting VoicePrint identification of the most prominent lead submarine, as long as specific identified these voice, we can know the nearby waters that type submarine or ship. The message means that if the Russian submarine successfully obtained the vanguard class submarine VoicePrint data, will make the UK nuclear deterrent force, once the two sides, avant-garde-class submarine launched Trident missile is not, it may have been destroyed by the Russian submarine pre-emptively. When the Royal Navy detected "sharks" of submarine, immediately sent "Trafalgar-class" (Trafalgar) attack submarines off. Commander of the North Atlantic, Russia is with us, France and the United States to play games. We will do our best to protect the Trident (missile submarines), we cannot sit back and watch the nuclear deterrent force has been compromised. "Submarine" sharks ", the development of the former Soviet Union is the most silent attack submarines, improved" shark II "submarine mute containment American" submarines Sea Wolf ", a total of nine aircraft currently in service in Russia, the more the" shark II "submarine leasing to India versus China and Pakistan. "Avant garde" is British nuclear ballistic missile submarine service, equipped with 16 "Trident II-" missiles, each capable of carrying a four to six nuclear warheads, can 11,300 km, was an English major nuclear deterrent.