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(CTV)Now, more and more late marriage, children or students. In order to encourage growth, the Ministry of the Interior plans to take a team of advertising, but also to find cute kids to play the leading role in the hope that people see the ads, you'll want to have a child, this afternoon, also held auditions, activities, take a look at these super kawa depend on advertising star. Take a look at this is only one year old brother, had him wearing a watermelon, watermelon, learn to say the phone, talked about the estuary has been dropping, it is so cute, and then to learn Jianmin Wang when pitcher yourself clap your hands. Do not let the boys soon the small girls with big eyes are absorbing more attractive to the eye, but she is flying bubble, pick up the props to her performances, she's drumming is a little over there. It doesn't matter, the more natural lovelier, here a lot more than the kiddie crowd cute kids and adults running the joys, baby Lulu, if there's a chance to see, let advertisers want chidren. Seeing kids become less and less, the Ministry of the Interior, wanted to find one to two-year-old baby, audition, but these children cute degree than advertising star, how elected last actor is able to give the Ministry of the Interior.